Friday, May 28, 2010

Graz, Museums, Computer Issues

Hi Mom,
You know, I think something might be wrong with my computer. I can't figure out why I have such a hard time getting on and staying connected to the internet. Especially at the school I shouldn't have a problem staying connected, and no one else has problems; they all can chat with their families and their boyfriends and best friends on skype, and I'm feeling a little sorry for myself that I've only talked to you one time in the month I've been here. Wait. Have I even talked to you?? Could you ask Rob if he knows anything about this? I'm thinking it must be my computer since I'm the only one having issues. I've never been so frustrated in my life.

We're leaving tomorrow after class and spending the weekend in Graz, a city a couple hours away. It's still Vienna, and we won't be far. We should leave tomorrow around noon and be back on Sunday around 10 pm I think, just so you know. I won't have my computer (although, does that even matter anymore since the &#(@ thing doesn't even work?), but I'll write as soon as I can when we get back to let you know. Do you have my professor's (Tom Plummer) contact info? I think I already told you, but it's probably going to be like EFY for the weekend. Tomorrow night there's a dance, we all know how good I am at dances, and then Saturday will be sports and games all day. Hopefully it'll be fun...More things out of my comfort zone. Dang, just so you guys know, my goal is to be a super interesting person when I come back and all this removing-of-my-comfort-zone thing is really helping, I'm sure of it.

German is going okay. My negative feelings for my teacher are fizzling, and that's improving my outlook. It's really fun when I'm looking at signs or listening to people talk and can understand tiny bits and pieces. Very tiny bits and pieces, but still, it's fun to understand.

I got your letter in the mail, Dad. Thanks, it was great to get something. I'm really glad the broken-leg chicken is doing better; I'm glad you know how to fix up things like that...When I first read the letter I misunderstood and thought you meant that Cady was digging up worms for the chicks and letting them sleep on her back. I thought it was weird but sweet, and then I realized you meant the hen -- I was laughing really hard. I'm not sure about the skiing, but I'll start asking around and try to get some info. Tell Porter I loved his picture and I miss him a million billion and it's okay that he won't talk to me on the computer, we can catch up when I get home.

What do you think about how I changed the picture on my blog to black and white? I thought the red was clashing, which is why I changed it. Also, just so you know: the W is for Wien, Vienna in German. Weird, I know. You should hear how they say Chinese...

What did you think of my Hostel paper? Dad, I would love some corrections and feedback, because I have to turn all my papers in again at the end after they've been edited. Is Grandpa Murland reading my blog? I thought you said he was asking about me, but I'm sure you told him about it. There's a way to put people on a list and it'll automatically send them an email every time I post, and we can do that for anyone who wants that. That way they know exactly when we post and they don't have to come checking back all the time.

Ale, Jess, and I went to a museum yesterday afternoon. I wish they had some of the plaques in English because I couldn't understand hardly anything. They had so much stuff in there, and we only saw a fraction of the whole thing. I don't know if the marble statues were originals (along with everything else), but I recognized some from studying them in art history, which was so cool. We have a pass to get into a few museums free, and that's one of them, so we'll go back and look at everything else. I love museums. I love the way they encourage deep thought and peace.

So the kids are out of school? Yay for the kids!! Did graduation already happen? Levi said a couple kids sent you their announcements. I can't believe it's been two years since that was me. What are you guys gonna do all summer? Is it warming up? I heard someone say it had been snowing in Utah again, did you guys get it too? The weather here is crazy. I swear it's rained at least once a day since we've been here. And it's like an invisible hand turns on the faucet randomly -- all of a sudden it's a torrential downpour. Well I hope you guys are having fun, but not too much fun without me! I always sit down to write an email thinking I don't have very many stories to tell and then get like 700 word emails!

Love you guys! Talk to you when I get back from Graz in a couple days, if not before.

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